International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Cyber Risks and Costs for the Company

Open access
The interest in the security of IT systems has grown in recent years, proportionally to their diffusion and to the role they play in the community. With the spread of computerization of society and services (public and private) the risk of cyber-attacks and accidents has increased. From the results of the analysis of the present study it is noted that only in Europe, more than 4 thousand computer attacks per day have occurred and also in Italy the phenomenon has recorded increasingly heavy consequences to the detriment of businesses. From the analyzes reported in the present study, the causes of the problem are multiple but in particular they are due to the scarce training of the personnel, which does not allow to notice in time of possible threats and intrusions in the control systems, to a cultural problem and to the inadequacy of the investments to face the problem, in fact, despite, a general concern of the companies about the risks of cyber security. The present study examines the main sector reports, including those in the international context of the World Economic Forum, Kaspersky, McAfee, Norton Cybercrime Report and at a European level, the recent Euro barometer research to investigate the risks of company and identify the tools that allow to improve the degree of knowledge of the real threats, to know the business costs in order to activate a series of measures able to guarantee the security of company data.
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To cite this article: De Marco, E., Dibari, P., Scalera, F. (2019). Cyber Risks and Costs for the Company, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (3): 185-191