International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Firm Value: Impact of Investment Decisions, Funding Decisions and Dividend Policies

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Optimizing company value is one of the company's main goals. The higher firm value is more prosperous shareholders will be. Financial management has the main function items, namely to plan, find and utilize funds that are useful to maximize the firm value. This study aims to examine the impact of investment decisions, funding decisions and dividend policies on the firm value in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2016 especially property and real estate sector. From 48 of population, 33 companies were sampled using purposive sampling method. By multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS software it was found that funding decisions and dividend policies have a significant impact on firm value, while investment decisions is not significant. This research implies that in optimizing firm value can be achieved through the application of financial management functions as well as dividend policy, where one decision can attract investor interest and have an impact on the firm value.
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To cite this article: Triani, N., Tarmidi, D. (2019). Firm Value: Impact of Investment Decisions, Funding Decisions and Dividend Policies, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (2): 158-163.