International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


The Role of External Audit Reports in Achieving Comprehensive Development Indicators

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The research is about the development of an overall perspective and necessity to develop the impartial mechanism which involves societal operations and enable the human welfare and direct towards the development of economic, political and social values for the society, these all feature can be possible under the supervision of standards that are developed by the Federal Financial Control Bureau; by using the supervision and certified inspection in analyzing the observation that restricts the attainment of Comprehensive Development Indicators, in order to fix them. In the study it is evaluating different units of audits in the Federal Financial Control Bureau; the urgency and compliance with the rules and regulation to develop the standards that are applicable overall. In the study researcher selected the sample analysis by using the reports of the Federal Financial Control Bureau for different economic units. The researcher has highlighted the different loose points that are lacking and not covered in the Planning Policy. The conclusion of the study made by the researcher is: there is a lack of planning policy in the investment area and there no economic feasibility for the contracted economic projects. Recommendation that is made for the study was; it is necessary for the regulatory body to examine the audit methods used by the Federal Financial Control Bureau for the purpose of develop the clear planning policy in the investment area and develop the feasibility on the contracted economic projects for the sake of implementation; it also increases the process of the development of state institutions and seek learning from the past to improve the standard and put efforts to reduce the corruption and secure the process along with the developing the stability of the projects considerably.
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To cite this article: Zinni W. H. A. (2019). The Role of External Audit Reports in Achieving Comprehensive Development Indicators, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (2): 23-36.