International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Italian Districts in the Furniture Industry During and After the International Economic Crisis

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The furniture sector in Italy is one of the main drivers of the national economy. It has always been characterized by the strong dynamism of the companies that operate within it, historically organized in local productive agglomerations. In consideration of this important distinctive element, this research studies the Italian furniture sector by distinguishing companies based on district membership. The concept of industrial district has been studied by many researchers. However, quantitative research conducted with statistical methods useful for providing a new interpretation, in the light of recent evolutionary dynamics after the 2008 global crisis, is scarce. The main objective is to understand if there are significant differences in the profitability dynamics of Italian furniture districts located in different productive areas of the country.0.
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Pavone, P. (2019). Italian Districts in the Furniture Industry During and After the International Economic Crisis, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (1): 160-169.