International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Kosovo Oil Industry and Excise Tax Impact

Open access
This research project present the current condition of the Kosovo oil market and identifies the main complicating factors that causes difficulties for domestic companies to operate nationally and internationally. Detailed analysis and comparisons are accomplished regarding the contemporary situation of fuel market in Kosovo, European nations and America with the focus being on the fuel excise tax. The discussion continues further relating to domestic oil production and exports versus imports of petroleum products. The focus was set as well in key drivers of the market size, level of competition, consumer complaints and government, and regulatory policy. The project needed to be as accurate as possible by representing current conditions in a very clearly way; therefore beside literature review, a structured questionnaire was prepared for consumers. This was intertwined with the aim to figure out whether companies are acting accordingly with consumers’ needs and wants. Consequently, all of the results are discussed and analyzed with the goal to comprehend what they mean to the project- by considering limitations and their impact on the project as well. To complete the project, a conclusion with recommendations was provided, the one, which is very useful in developing more favorable conditions in the fuel market.
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To cite this article: Jusaj, Y. (2019). Kosovo Oil Industry and Excise Tax Impact, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (1): 94-104.