International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in Italy: An Analysis of the Last Years

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Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD) is the process of communicating the social, ethical and environmental effects of organizations’ economic actions. It is a formal commitment to inform and involve stakeholders with an adequate flow of communication through suitable channels, focusing on relevant content. The aim is to study voluntary disclosure implemented by Italian listed companies in the last 9 years (2008-2016). The empirical survey covers data and information on 165 companies. We have analysed: 1) the extent of CSRD in Italy; 2) the characteristics of voluntary disclosure in terms of type of report published and guidelines or standards followed; 3) the main differences between the industrial sectors about the publication of non-financial reports and the types of report used. Our findings show a significant improvement in the practice of voluntary disclosure of Italian listed companies and a key role of industry in decisions regarding the quantity and quality of non-financial disclosure. The value of this research concern in the wide (in time, through the last nine years, and in space, through the different industries) point of view through which is investigated the phenomenon of CSRD in Italy before the shift from a voluntary to a legislative perspective.
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To cite this article: Balluchi, F., Furlotti, K., Mazzieri, M., Torelli, R. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in Italy: An Analysis of the Last Years, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (1): 51-61