International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


The Affecting Factors in the Improving of Financial Performance Al Al-Bayt University: Evidence from Jordan

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The study aimed at explaining the factors affecting the improvement of financial performance at Al-Bayt University. Sixty questionnaires were distributed to the employees of the university, who are related to finance, accounting and auditing. Forty-five samples were suitable for analysis, with a recovered percentage of 75%. The data of the questionnaires had been analyzed by using (SPSS), and a number of statistical methods through descriptive statistics, arithmetic means, standard deviations, percentages, hypotheses of the study were tested by testing multi regression. The study found the presence of impact of the “increase revenue to improve the financial performance of Al-Bayt University variable”, the study recommended a number of recommendations, namely: The need to develop new disciplines at Al-Bayt University that are required in the local and Arab labor market.
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Al Sharairi, J.A. (2018). The Affecting Factors in the Improving of Financial Performance in Al Al-Bayt University: Evidence From Jordan, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 8 (4): 70-80.