International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Clustering and Clustering Potential in TR 32 Regions Province

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With globalization, competition between countries, regions and industries has become more intense and complex. The concept of clustering, first expressed by Marshall in 1890 as industrial concentrations; is seen as a tool for ensuring national, regional and local competitiveness, innovation and development. Clustering, which began in the 1960s with the development of the regions where small firms with a tendency to cooperate technologically and strategically in Europe was concentrated in certain industrial regions, came up again in the 1990s with the diamond model which was included in the Porter's work called ‘International Competitive Advantage’. The aim of this study is to investigate the clustering potential areas in the TR 32 region and their effects on regional competitive advantage. For this purpose, three star analysis, which is generally carried out on employment numbers, was used to define the sectors. Results of the study shows the existence of areas with clustering potential and their competitive advantage both regionally and nationally in Ayd?n, Denizli and Mu?la provinces.
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To cite this article: Iyem, C., Ozturk, D.G., Y?ld?z, F.Z. (2018). Clustering and Clustering Potential in TR 32 Regions Province, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 8 (3): 336-345.