International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting and the Effect of Donations on Profitability of Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria

Open access
There is a crying need for an in-depth study into the quality, extent of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and identification of areas for future improvement so that transparency can be ensured, especially in developing countries like Nigeria where CSR practices are limited. Based on this we carried out this study on corporate social responsibility accounting and the effect of donations on profitability of oil and gas companies in Nigeria. The study used a cross sectional survey design to carry out the research. The population of the study was all the oil and gas companies in Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed through the Simple Regression Analysis and Partial Correlation. Results of the study revealed that: Donation significantly affects Return on Equity and Donation significantly affects Net Profit of the oil and gas companies in Nigeria, Hence, from the findings of this work the research concludes that there is a strong positive relationship between CSRA and profitability. And that; Donation significantly affects the Return on Assets of the oil and gas companies in Nigeria; Donation significantly affects the return on equity of the oil and gas companies in Nigeria; Donation significantly affects the Net Profit of the oil and gas companies in Nigeria. Therefore all the null hypotheses have been rejected and the alternative hypotheses accepted. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made; Companies should carry out operational impact evaluation. This is in order to evaluate the effect of their operation on the community, the environment and the people as this will be able to audit and control their CSR practices. It will help them check unwholesome practices; Companies should report regularly to its stakeholders their corporate social responsibility practices. The companies are too secretive and do not allow the people have insight of most of their activities. Forums should be created where these are reported to the people; Government should consider allowable all arm’s length expenditure on corporate social responsibility for tax purposes to enable the companies become completely socially responsible.
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To cite this article: Ohaka, J., Ogaluzor, O.I. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting and the Effect of Donations on Profitability of Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 8 (3): 265-276.