International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Sales Force Turnover and Corporate Image of Selected Marketing Organizations in Anambra State

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This study examined the effect of sales force turnover on the corporate image of selected organizations in Anambra State. The general objective of the study is to ascertain the effect of sales force turnover on corporate image of marketing organizations in Anambra State. The research adopted a survey design which made use of primary source data for analysis. The population of the study consists of 268 sales force personnel and 246 customers of selected marketing organizations. Based on the determined sample size of 514, copies of the questionnaire were distributed to respondents: 268 to companies’ sales staff, 246 to companies’ customers. Out of the total number of 268 copies of questionnaire distributed to staff, only 260 copies were returned well completed and fit for use in analyses. Out of this 246, 240 were well completed and used for analyses. The instrument of data collection consists of two sets of Likert-type, five-point scale self-administered questionnaire for staff and customers of selected marketing organizations of the study. The Pearson chi-square tests were used to test the five hypotheses of the study. The findings of the study showed that high sales force turnover has significant effect on the corporate image of marketing organizations in Anambra State; voluntary sales force turnover has significant effect on corporate image of marketing organizations in Anambra State. The findings of the study further revealed that long time retention of sales force has significant effect on the corporate image of marketing organization in Anambra State, and that customers’ impressions of the sales force have significant effect on the corporate image of marketing organizations in Anambra State. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that marketing organizations in Anambra State should: invest more in the general welfare of their sales force to ensure employees stability and to work hard to keep the rate of voluntary sales force turnover to the barest minimum among others
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To cite this article: Okwuraiwe, F. E., Ezenwaka, C., Mojekeh, M. O., Chiyem, O. (2018). Sales Force Turnover and Corporate Image of Selected Marketing Organizations in Anambra State, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 8 (3): 163-177.