International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Dilemma of Employee Retention through the Lens of Organizational Politics: A Quantitative Study on Pharmaceutical Industry of Pakistan

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Employee retention is a vital issue in the pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan. Currently organizations and employees both are affected simultaneously with this serious problem. Current study was quantitative in nature and was conducted to measure the mediating influence of psychological capital between perceived organizational politics and employee retention. By using a simple convenient sampling technique, 255 questionnaires were acquired and data was analysed by smartPLS 2.0 statistical tool. Finding of the current study concluded that perceived organizational politics negatively but insignificantly effects employee retention. However, the relationship was negative and significant with psychological capital and psychological capital significantly mediated the relationship. Discussion and limitation with future recommendation are further discussed.
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To cite this article: Imam, T., Ali, H., Soo, H.S. (2018). Dilemma of Employee Retention through the Lens of Organizational Politics: A Quantitative Study on Pharmaceutical Industry of Pakistan, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 8 (3): 26-36,.