International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Impact of Role Ambiguity on Job Satisfaction, Mediating Role of Job Stress

Open access
In banking sector the retail banking is an important and generous sector of economy, however, generally it has been observed that job stress is increasing in this sector. Therefore, the study of the specific causes of job stress in the retail banking area should provide greater approach into both theory and managerial practices. Several Studies have been conducted on role ambiguity and job satisfaction. This study explored the relationship between role ambiguity, job stress and job satisfaction. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of role ambiguity on job satisfaction with job stress as mediator variable. Convenience method was used to collect primary data from employees of banking sector. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed of which 305 were received back, thus response rate was 87 %. The results of correlation and regression found that role ambiguity, had negative relation with job satisfaction, and job stress was playing a mediating role. It indicates that role ambiguity is playing one of the roles of job stressor which leads to job dissatisfaction among employees of banking sector. The findings of the study suggest that to increase the job satisfaction the role stressors should be controlled. When role stressors will be controlled, job stress will inevitably be decreased.