International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Effects of Individual Characteristics and Work Related Factors on the Turnover Intention of Accounting Professionals

Open access
Employee turnover is very costly for organizations. Apart from costs related to hiring of new employees, loss of experienced personnel may lead to a variety of problems in organizations such as decrease in productivity, loss of hard-won expertise, and low employee morale. Therefore, organizations are very interested in factors related to turnover of their employees so that they can take measures to lower turnover rate. In this study, based on data from 151 accounting professionals, we studied factors related to turnover intention of accounting professionals in Turkey. As a result of the study, we found that supervisory behavior, compensation and benefits, and work-life balance are factors that have statistically significant negative effects on the turnover intention of accounting professionals. On the other hand, work attributes don’t have a statistically significant effect on turnover intention. Moreover, turnover intention of accounting professionals change based on marital status and age. But gender doesn’t influence turnover intention.