International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Impact of Electronic Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction of Islamic Banks in Jordan

Open access
The study aimed to study impact of Electronic Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction of Islamic Banks in Jordan. The Electronic Service Quality represented by (Reliability, Ease of use, Effectiveness, Web Site Design, privacy, and Responsiveness). The population of the study consisted customers of Islamic banks in the North territory of Jordan (Jordanian Islamic Bank, International Arab Islamic Bank), a random sample was taken amounted (300) participants, SPSS was used to examine the study hypotheses and achieve its objectives. The researcher found that there is statistical significant impact of the Electronic Service Quality (Ease of use, Web Site Design, privacy, and Responsiveness) on Customers Satisfaction of Islamic Banks in Jordan. Regarding the dimensions of reliability and effectiveness, the study indicates that they had insignificant impact on Customers Satisfaction. The researcher recommended the use of specialists in the field of electronic sites design in particular, because the site attractiveness needs experience sufficient experience in this area to support its attractiveness for customers, and to benefit from the experiences of the developed countries in the field of software technology control and protection of customer information, in order to strengthen current Software application to those banks.