International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Analysis of the Convergence Criteria in Romania for Adopting the Single Currency and the Convergence Programme 2016 -2019 regarding the Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate

Open access
Before a Member State can adopt the euro, it must fulfil certain economic and legal criteria. The economic convergence criteria are designed to ensure that a Member State's economy is sufficiently prepared for adopting the single currency and can integrate easily into the monetary regime of the euro area. Replacement of national currencies with the euro is a complex operation requiring numerous practical training – for example to provide guarantees that the national currency is withdrawn quickly, that prices of goods are properly converted and presented and that the population is well informed. All these preparations are based on a certain "scenario of transition to the single currency" adopted by the candidate country to the euro zone. Through this article we wanted to present an analysis of the convergence economic indicators of Romania and some countries of the European Union, based on data extracted from the Convergence Report in June 2016 and we presented the convergence program in 2016 -2019 regarding the monetary policy and the exchange rate.