International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Specifying the Determinants of Brand Value by Using AHP Method

Open access
Recently, the most successful companies in the world display the importance of knowledge based economy. The transformation from industrial economy to knowledge based economy highlights value added of intangible assets to the companies. Brand as a worthwhile intangible asset constitutes a substantial part of firm value. However lots of studies conducted to measure brand’s value solely. There hasn’t been generally accepted brand valuation model yet. In this paper it is aimed to present the most important factors in measuring brand value based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. According to the expert team’s responses to our questionnaire the financial and behavioral factors which can affect brand value were found and prioritized. As a result it is determined that the most important factor in brand valuation in the frame of main criteria is Investment in Brand with 0,47 while in general; it is RandD Costs with 0,1893 and Takeover Costs with 0,1852 as the second. On the other hand, Rise in Ratio of Price/Sale and Rise in Net Sales are not considerably important with weights less than 1% on brand valuation.