International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


The Influence of Demographic Characteristics on Investment on Financially Included Youth in Nyeri and Kirinyaga Counties

Open access
The purpose of this study was to find out the influence demographic characteristics on investment on financially included youth in Nyeri and Kirinyaga Counties. The target population was Kenyan youth from Kirinyaga and Nyeri Counties. The study used a descriptive survey research design where sample size was 463 respondents. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. A cross tabulation of investment and demographic characteristics showed differences between those who had invested and those had not. The study then tested whether the difference was statistically significant using chi-square of demographic characteristics and investment. The results indicated that Gender, Age, Marital Status and Level of Education were statistically significant in influencing investment on financially included youth. Place of residence though it had influence, it was not statistically significant. This study concluded that demographic characteristics have influence on investment. The study recommends that financial institutions take into consideration demographic characteristics while designing their services.