International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Factors Affecting Efficient Stores Operations In Kenya Tea Development Agency Managed Factories (KTDA): A Survey of Factories in Zones 4 and 5, Kenya

Open access
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting efficient stores operations in KTDA managed factories in Kenya, four objectives guided the study .The study was a descriptive research that adopted a survey design. The targeted populations were employees working at KTDA managed factories in zones 4 and 5 at managerial levels and in store departments. Questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research in its data analysis. Data was presented using bar graphs, pie charts and tables. Inferential statistics included correlation and regression analysis. Study findings revealed that KTDA factories do not offer regular training to stores personnel especially on store operations and management however the study further revealed that in general IT had helped the factories streamline store operations more effectively. Respondent further indicate that the record management system used in factories was semi-computerized rating it to be average. The findings revealed that the current scheduling process in the KTDA factories is poor and inventories records are rarely audited The study recommended that KTDA factories should offer regular training programs to the employees in order to improve their skills and knowledge. The study further recommended that they should fully computerise record management systems in order to enhance accuracy. The study further recommended that there was need for improvement of existing scheduling process in order to improve service delivery in stores.