International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


The Role of Economic Chamber in Response to the Educational Needs of Its Members

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The present study investigates the role of the Economic Chamber of Greece (E.Ch.G.) in the fulfillment of its members’ educational needs. Continual training is the result of the necessity to follow the financial developments and as a consequence the E.Ch.G. decided that it was urgent to be active in the field of lifelong learning carrying out both training courses and instruction programs as well. The methodology of the study was based on the combination of the qualitative and the quantitative research, as it includes five (5) individual interviews of the E.Ch.G. organizers and other five (5) interviews coming from members of the Regional Sections (R. S) of the E.Ch.G. Furthermore, the study includes a questionnaire which was addressed to a hundred and nine members who took part in an educational course sponsored by the E.Ch.G. The distribution of the questionnaires was necessary in order to gain more objective results. On the one hand, the main findings have shown the importance of the educational courses while on the other hand the possibility of improvement as regards the organization, the design and the accomplishment of educational courses by the E.Ch.G. throughout Greece and especially in the remote R.S. Members’ fulfillment is necessary as their knowledge level is concerned and it is obvious that any training program ought to be more intensive especially in a period of crisis and growth. The present study sets as a purpose the improvement of the E.Ch.G. through the development of educational programs which follow the main principles of the lifelong learning.