International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Risk Management Practices in the Conventional Banks Working in Peshawar

Open access
The study is conducted to research the RMP and procedures pursued by conventional banks functioning in Peshawar region. In the study the risk management (RM) is elected as a dependent variable, whereas Risk assessment (RAs), risk identification (RI), risks monitoring (RMn), risk analysis (RA) and RMP (RMP) are taken independent variables. Data is collected through questionnaires on five Likert Scale. Total number of questionnaire distributed were 120, out of which 102 questionnaires were received with positive response from the banks. As per the regression, we found from the results that risk assessment and analysis, risk analysis and RMP have significant effects, and risk identification and risk monitoring have insignificant effects on RMP. The paper`s findings are limited to RMP`s of conventional bank operating in Peshawar region. This study will of value to those who are interested conventional banking industry.