International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


Role of in Virtual Teaching in Rehabilitative and Extension Human Source

Open access
In initially of third thousand year in virtual teaching is a very important factor in rehabilitative of human source in organization and society. This technology was basically extension pivot of human source and its essence appoint with appropriate society and human need. Today importance of human source that is appropriate with need individual and society, more than always is sense, because the world that linked with connection net, require a labor that understand how can use from technology as a instrument for increasing creativity and enjoy. Such a skill is skill of enjoyment from information technology. A process that was identified authentic source, access to it is prepare effectively, information in to form of completely comprehend and digest and transferred by the way of in virtual teaching. In virtual teaching as a source of knowledge and outside environment information organization that there is choice of people and organization, perform effective role in extension of human source. In virtual teaching have effective role in extension of professional skill, help to establish twist and renew, reinforce perception skill, reinforce decision making skill, create searching mentality in labor, and can create extension and rehabitative human source.