International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences


The Mechanism for the Formation of Attitudes, Opinions and Behaviors of Consumers

Open access
The purpose of this work is to show mechanisms shaping attitudes, opinions and behaviors of consumers. Paper shows the impact of the system of communicating specified value on the decision-making process of the consumer. Attention was drawn to system interaction and communication in the context of changes in consumer opinion. The communication process aims to create and strengthen attitudes among buyers, leading to a favorable reception of products / services as well as a change of attitude from neutral to positive – creative. The basis for the preparation of the paper was the conduction of an in-depth and comprehensive study on the effectiveness and efficiency of communicating customer value. This included the analysis of available secondary data from various institutions involved in marketing communications, both in scientific and commercial applications. Reflections contained in the paper do not have definite characteristics and should be treated as an opinion in the discussion.