International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography


The IJAREG (ISSN: 2313-769X) is an interdisciplinary open access blind peer-reviewed refereed journal published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS) that publishes significant original researches regarding different fields of Physical Geography, Human Geography, Economic Geography, Teaching and learning Geography and Environment, but are not limited to. 
The aims of journal are to understand how the relations between man, his habitat and his environment are organized when the latter is subject to strong socio-technical or physical constraints. The journal wants to cover various fields of knowledge, enabling to render an image closer to the reality current status terrestrial. International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography is published annually in January of each year. 
Topic Covered
Section 1 - Physical Geography
Meteorology and climatology
Hydrology and oceanography
Geography of soils
Regional Geography
Section 2 - Human Geography
Geography of population
Human habitation
Organization and spatial planning
Sustainable territorial development
Geography quality of life
Health Geography
Section 3 - Economic Geography
Geography of resources
Geography of industry
Trade and free zones
Section 4 - Teaching and learning Geography
Education by Geography   
Methods and techniques of teaching Geography
Geographic information systems (GIS) 
Computer aided design
Computerized mapping
Interdisciplinary approaches
Section 5 - Environment
Environmental Geography
Integrated environmental monitoring
Environmental management
Environmental Economics
Green accounting
Sustainable development
Environmental policies and strategies
Types of paper
Regular articlesThese articles should have cautiously confirmed findings and the research methodologies used should be explained in sufficient detail in order to be easily verified by others. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.
Short communications: in order to record the results of complete small investigations, detailing new models and innovative techniques, short communications should be used. Main sections styles may not conform to the full length papers. They are 2-4 printed pages in detail (about 6-12 manuscript pages).
Reviews: Submissions of reviews are welcomed. Reviews should have brevity and clarity, covering 4-6 printed pages (about 12-18 manuscript pages).

Creative Commons License

Work in this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.